On I go...
I saw this quote and I thought how appropriate. I get so frustrated with my weight and constantly trying and then trying again. Some of that is fear of failure IS being afraid, trying and it still not working. I am so ready now to get some of this weight off. It would be nice if it came off as easy as it goes on. Some magic pixie dust would be awesome. But it really is good to hear that nationally maybe there is getting to be a turn around on it’s not our fault for being overweight. Some can easily lose weight with cutting back and exercising, but not everyone. Maybe there is genetics or a disease or whatever you want to call it that makes it not easy to just “lose weight” — if you work hard enough you can do it — that thinking may be going away that it is not always “our” fault. it doesn’t mean I can eat anything and not take care of myself. But I do think it means it might not be all my fault. I guess I am more open at this time in my life for whatever works. Dick was appalled that I would consider injections of pregnant women urine to lose weight – but that’s because he’s one that can lose weight by dieting and exercising. Right now, I totally believe I need help to get this weight off.
For years I always thought all the “positive” quotes would help me lose weight, that it was all about “willpower”, and in some ways they probably did help. But I do think I need to get out of the mindset that it’s all up to me to do this thing called “losing weight”…I even see those positive quotes on this website that I did years ago. I think it is up to me to take the steps but when I have tried over and over to lose and keep gaining back, it’s time I got help.
Day 14 and I am in a routine. Today was my “vitamin” shot (every 7 days). Lunch today was 4 oz of turkey mixed in cabbage salsa wrapped in lettuce leafs. It was a lot. Then after bike ride, I had two plums as my snack. Not sure what will be for supper, but I think I want something warm.
I am amazed at how well I am sleeping. Best sleep that I have had in a long, long time. I feel good. I am not tired during the day. I seem to have a lot of energy, which is crazy with not eating a lot. The doctor commented on going through a “detox” – which is what my body must be doing. I think it’s good.